Nox Ocellus LIMITED Paint 


The Ocellus paint scheme adapts and updates the iconic colors and designs used in some Tevarin ships to bring a striking new look to the Nox. The livery gives the fuselage a prominent red ridge while shimmering green covers the rest of the ship.

RIFERRAL:  If you don't have an Star Citizen account, click this referral code STAR-6YWN-DC7G and it will take you to the enlist page so you can get 5,000 UEC.

Please don't forget to submit a review after your purchase, it will help a lot and is greatly appreciated.


  • Nox Ocellus LIMITED Paint 


Please refer to the loaner matrix while this vehicle is in development.

This is NOT a GAME PACKAGE. Please note a GAME PACKAGE is required to play the game and fly or access your ships.

Please make sure the shipped item is the correct one since it will become account-bound to your respective game account and non-transferable upon arrival.


Star Citizen is a game by Roberts Space Industries / Cloud Imperium Games (RSI) that is currently under development and in an early access Alpha/Beta phase. Items bought are subject to the game providers End User License Agreement (EULA) and Terms of Service (TOS) and subject to change. By purchasing this product you agree both to Spaceport Depot's Terms of Service, to RSI's EULA and RSI's TOS and to the fact that products bought for this game may not be immediately usable in game and subject to change as development progresses.

Please note that the dates shown in product screenshots may vary on the actual product received. Please further note that hangar names may differ on the product received, as RSI did rename their hangars some time ago. Please further note that Alpha, Legacy Alpha, and Beta Access may differ or be missing on the product received, as these products have been discontinued by RSI.

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The Ocellus paint scheme adapts and updates the iconic colors and designs used in some Tevarin ships to bring a striking new look to the Nox. The livery gives the fuselage a prominent red ridge while shimmering green covers the rest of the ship.

RIFERRAL:  If you don't have an Star Citizen account, click this referral code STAR-6YWN-DC7G and it will take you to the enlist page so you can get 5,000 UEC.

Please don't forget to submit a review after your purchase, it will help a lot and is greatly appreciated.


  • Nox Ocellus LIMITED Paint 


Please refer to the loaner matrix while this vehicle is in development.

This is NOT a GAME PACKAGE. Please note a GAME PACKAGE is required to play the game and fly or access your ships.

Please make sure the shipped item is the correct one since it will become account-bound to your respective game account and non-transferable upon arrival.


Star Citizen is a game by Roberts Space Industries / Cloud Imperium Games (RSI) that is currently under development and in an early access Alpha/Beta phase. Items bought are subject to the game providers End User License Agreement (EULA) and Terms of Service (TOS) and subject to change. By purchasing this product you agree both to Spaceport Depot's Terms of Service, to RSI's EULA and RSI's TOS and to the fact that products bought for this game may not be immediately usable in game and subject to change as development progresses.

Please note that the dates shown in product screenshots may vary on the actual product received. Please further note that hangar names may differ on the product received, as RSI did rename their hangars some time ago. Please further note that Alpha, Legacy Alpha, and Beta Access may differ or be missing on the product received, as these products have been discontinued by RSI.

The Ocellus paint scheme adapts and updates the iconic colors and designs used in some Tevarin ships to bring a striking new look to the Nox. The livery gives the fuselage a prominent red ridge while shimmering green covers the rest of the ship.

RIFERRAL:  If you don't have an Star Citizen account, click this referral code STAR-6YWN-DC7G and it will take you to the enlist page so you can get 5,000 UEC.

Please don't forget to submit a review after your purchase, it will help a lot and is greatly appreciated.


  • Nox Ocellus LIMITED Paint 


Please refer to the loaner matrix while this vehicle is in development.

This is NOT a GAME PACKAGE. Please note a GAME PACKAGE is required to play the game and fly or access your ships.

Please make sure the shipped item is the correct one since it will become account-bound to your respective game account and non-transferable upon arrival.


Star Citizen is a game by Roberts Space Industries / Cloud Imperium Games (RSI) that is currently under development and in an early access Alpha/Beta phase. Items bought are subject to the game providers End User License Agreement (EULA) and Terms of Service (TOS) and subject to change. By purchasing this product you agree both to Spaceport Depot's Terms of Service, to RSI's EULA and RSI's TOS and to the fact that products bought for this game may not be immediately usable in game and subject to change as development progresses.

Please note that the dates shown in product screenshots may vary on the actual product received. Please further note that hangar names may differ on the product received, as RSI did rename their hangars some time ago. Please further note that Alpha, Legacy Alpha, and Beta Access may differ or be missing on the product received, as these products have been discontinued by RSI.

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